Insurance Solutions for TEFAF Exhibitors
Welcome, Exhibitors of TEFAF Maastricht 2025!
We are delighted to offer an exclusive insurance solution, developed in close collaboration with TEFAF, tailored to meet the specific requirements of the fair and fully aligned with its terms and conditions.
Our offering includes:
Exhibitor Liability Insurance: Protection against potential liability risks during the event.
Art Insurance: Comprehensive coverage for your valuable exhibits throughout TEFAF.
Simply complete the form below, or download the Declaration of Intent for art insurance or liability insurance and send the completed document to tefaf@kr-assekuranz.de. We will handle your insurance arrangements and confirm your coverage directly with TEFAF.
Please note that insurance coverage will only take effect upon payment of the invoice.
We look forward to providing you and your artworks with exceptional protection, ensuring a successful and worry-free event!